Friday, September 19, 2014

Has it REALLY been a year?!?!? Roxy Mews: Author BDay and Giveaway

Published October 1st 2013
This October 1st marks my author birthday. I was published almost a year ago, and I can't believe that much time has passed.

Being an author has been an endless cycle of frantic deadline meeting intermixed with repetitive refreshes of the email inbox.

But overall, I am grateful.

I am grateful for those who read those first manuscripts. You poor poor people. Those were bad. LOL.

I am grateful for the mentors who have
given me advice and comfort, and at times...alcohol when it was needed.  (I'm not going to mention those lovely people because I know that they probably get enough emails. But all of are the reason I submitted that first manuscript.)

Published June 24th 2014
I am also grateful for my husband. Because even though he doesn't read my books (we tried that once, and it didn't work out. LOL) he has supported me trying out this crazy adventure,

But most of all, I am grateful to all the readers. Everyone who picked up my book. If you hated it, if you loved it, if you wanted to give me medication, or just partake in an alcoholic beverage with me after reading it...thank you. Knowing that someone picked up what I wrote is the greatest gift of all.

I know it's coming up Halloween time, but with me feeling so gushy and happy, I need to work that in. 

I'd love to give away a $10 eGift Card to celebrate this crazy year. So in the comments...tell me a scary creature that you are grateful for. I will leave the giveaway open until my Author BDay on October 1st at Midnight EST.

I am grateful for vampires/werewolf hybrids and their sexy stories they tell me.

What about you?


To find Roxy's books with buy links and what she has coming up next check out her website at


  1. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! I like ghosts, who aren't so scary but who come back to take care of those they left behind.

    1. Thanks! And I love ghost stories. I am obsessed with finding a good ghost tales that have a nugget of truth in them.

  2. Happy Author Birthday to you. We don't do Halloween here in NZ but I am so excited for all the paranormal stories. I love all your stories looking forward to more

    1. And I cannot wait to share more with you, Cherie! 2015 is looking to be a busy year. :D

  3. Thanks for stopping by to be sentimental with me, folks. Even all those visitors that didn't comment. ;p

    Cherie, my dear, you are my winner! I will be sending an email to you shortly.
