Monday, September 28, 2015


I started thinking about something witty, or cute to say about writing because that is basically what this blog is for. SO I wondered what words of wisdom I had to share about writing.
Actually it was funny that over the weekend a friend was asking me as we sat to get some pizza, 4 large pizzas in fact.

His question was “What do you do to get ready to write a book?”

After thinking about it I answered, “I put on some music, stare at a blank screen and wait. I fiddle with looking at the sports news and how terrible my favorite teas are. Then I surf Facebook and find funny pictures of cats or witty sayings and the inspiring quotes that make me feel good.”
Hey, it’s my page I’ll post midgets in tutus if I want to.
Everyone has a routine. I explained some people do outlines, others take post it notes and plan out the storylines that way. Personally, I wing it because I have no clue what will wander into the revolving door of my head and decide to hang out in the lobby and talk.
That or the typical cliché that at 3 am the muse decides it is party time and she’s not wearing anything but a smile and a Marvin the Martian tie. I drag my zombie ass out of bed and start writing in my journal or on paper scraps odd things that when reading in the morning that make absolutely no sense.
From story ideas about flying monkeys, to a joke that I found hilarious in my altered state of mind. Usually I shake my head or I’m asked why I scribbled on paper towels by my desk.
So if you are an aspiring author, a successful writer or just someone that feels like writing something. Don’t fall into the trap of being like everyone else. I was different since birth and haven’t changed. Do things the way you want. If you like notes, writing in crayons, outlines, post it’s, writing on toilet paper…whatever. As long as you are creating and getting those ideas out you are making progress.
Please excuse me, I need to go to the, ummm, library and write my memoirs.

Connect with S. L. on FACEBOOK and TWITTER

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1 comment:

  1. That image of the Writing Muse nude but for the Marvin the Martian tie is now stuck in my head forever...
