Monday, September 7, 2015


Hart Clan Hybrids #3
I can't believe it is already coming up on release day for Three's a Clan. The Hart Clan Hybrids series has truly taken me on a ride that I couldn't have ever imagined going on.

These books have also gone in a completely different direction than I ever planned. But when you give your creative muse over to strong female characters...well, let's just say I should have known better than to try and put them in their place.

When I was much more naive and thought I could get these characters to cooperate I wanted to write three 30k novellas that could be bundled together into one 90k book.

Hart Clan Hybrids #1
After A Love Worth Biting For was over 40k I should have known I was in trouble. And sure enough Shelly has grabbed herself two werewolves to tangle with and Three's a Clan tipped the scales at over 90,000 words.


But the thing that really surprised me with these books is how the simple story I wanted to share -- how I felt when I knew I loved my husband for the first time -- morphed into a series about women taking charge of the lives they had no control over in the past.

Hart Clan Hybrids #2
I feel like Amber, Mary, and Shelly became so much more than even I expected them to become. Females in their supernatural sects weren't supposed to have this kind of power. But these women flipped the bird and took it anyway.

And that is what excited me most about these books. I feel like listening to girl power songs ever time I revisit their stories. Yes, they curse. Yes, they like sex. (Shelly and Amber especially.) But that isn't what their stories are at the core. At the end of the day, I wanted them to take charge of their lives. And they grabbed hold of my heart as they did so.

This series started as a trilogy, but thanks to some wonderful reader feedback, and the enthusiasm of my CP Angela, and Editor Holly, I don't know that I can set this world aside just yet.

To celebrate the release of ebook and print versions of Three's a Clan, I'm doing a GIVEAWAY!

Use the handy dandy rafflecopter widget below to put your name in the running for signed print copies of Love's a Witch AND Three's a Clan.

Thank you to everyone who has been on this crazy ride with me so far. We're just getting started.


 To find Roxy's books with buy links and what she has coming up next check out her website at

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am super excited for this book

    1. I am so excited to share it! Fair starts with a bang. ;)

  2. Loved the first one and the covers are cool. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. The art team at Samhain does do fantastic work. And I am so glad you enjoyed A Love Worth Biting For! Good luck on the giveaway. :)

  3. The winner is Cherie! Congrats, Cherie! *confetti*

    Contact me at with your snail mail address, and we'll get your prize to you!
