Monday, June 15, 2015

Finding the Fun

I'm a procrastinator. I tend to put off tasks that I don't enjoy. And all it takes is one thing to throw my imaginary schedule off, and I call for a day do-over.

Because I really can't fold laundry in any other room of the house other than the bedroom where my husband is sleeping. And I always do laundry in the morning. So it's completely impossible for me to have clean clothes while he is on vacation this week.

Yes...I know I am full of shit on this, but my schedule is screwed up and it makes me grumpy.

I think every writer has their quirks that help them get through the parts of the process they'd rather avoid like the plague, and lets them get to the times they crave like a donuts after a juice cleanse.

For me...I like hearing my characters talk. When I'm writing a first draft and I get to hear their "voices" on the paper, it's a thrill. I think that's why I enjoy first person POV so much. I love having my characters tell me their story.

So when I have to do some of the other parts of the writing process, I tend to bring my characters with me.

I'm have a horrible time talking about myself, and usually blank when someone asks me a question. So I do what any writer would do, I try and dig myself out with a bit of creativity. I got to do an interview for All Romance Ebooks last week, and in chatting with Dawn (awesome promo goddess extraordinaire) about it, we both agreed I needed to bring something a bit more me to the table. And by me, I mean not me at all. So my characters jumped in. You can read the chaotic results HERE.

I had a blast doing it.

I'm working on edits, edits, and more edits at the moment. I'm not thrilled about it, but deadlines won't move because I'm moody, so I'm doing little things to bribe myself through the process. I've got my reward candy lined up for completing ten pages, I've got my favorite woodwick candle burning next to me, and I've got some "inspirational" pictures to keep me smiling.

My favorite inspirational pic is the cover for Three's a Clan, which will be set loose on the world September 8th!

What do you do to keep yourself motivated?

*pets the cover*

Three's a Clan

Sometimes the only way to hold on is to let it all go.
Hart Clan Hybrids, Book 3
Finding out she’s a byproduct of her maker’s plan for world domination is a letdown for Shelly Meyers. Now she must figure out where to pin her loyalties. Tradition tells her to follow her leader, but something tells her tradition is overrated. Is it her conscience? Nah. Not that. Not anymore.
Richard Paulson never planned on turning furry, yet here he is, an Alpha in charge of a pack. Even with Doc, his beta, at his back, he seems to keep winding up in another frying pan.
Long ago, Trevor “Doc” Paulson gave the woman he loved to someone who could give her the life she deserved. Now, as he and Richard fight to prevent history repeating, he’s struggling not to act on pure attraction—again. He knows he should be Rick’s voice of reason, but what happens when the three of them get close makes no sense at all.
Together they must decide to let go of the past to forge a new future—and fast. Before a power-hungry vampire takes it all away.
Product Warnings
This book contains a sexually volatile vampire who is about to grab the world and a couple of werewolves by the balls. Not for the faint of heart, or those who are opposed to sex, blood, bites, multiple partners and multiple orgasms.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for Three's a Clan!! I'm definitely motivated by scent. A difficult scene to write or edit is a two candle problem, lol.
