Monday, July 21, 2014

Music & Sex…I Mean Sexy Novels

Most people know that during those special scenes the sound of Barry White echoes in the background and they fade to black with the sensual moans of pleasure.

Even in books they fade away. Just usually there is descriptive words about the curves and feelings of the skin and throbbing pulse of his growing member. I said member because the various words for the anatomy vary book to book. In this one they call it a throbbing python of love, in another it’s a meat stick, or it’s compared to Thor’s Hammer.

What was I talking about?
Oh ya, music and writing.

For me, I love music. All types. My preference is hard rock but setting a romantic scene to the sound of Metallica in the background may ruin the mood a little. Unless it’s the scene where he savagely fucks her silly like an animal in heat, in a bathroom stall in a club, with a glory hole and some pervert in the next stall trying to poke the guy in the ass. Then a little edgy music would help. So would the condom machine inside the door, unless you don’t have quarters and need to use Saran Wrap and a rubber band.

I’m easily distracted, sorry.

Music is in all the movies setting the mood for the scene. I use music when writing to put me in a mood. I write as if the music is playing and gives a cadence to the speed of the scene.

Making out to harder edged sex, music can set the tone and as a writer I love imagining the sound echoing softly in the background.

I do prefer female singers when writing. It is so nice to hear Sade or other sultry singers seductively talking about love and emotions.

A few of my books were inspired by songs or musicians. BROKEN was inspired by Keith Urban and his way of describing heartache. It touched something about losing love and feeling lost in your world. So I decided to use the songs I heard by him to set the tone for the story.
LOVE SONG was written right after I saw Evanescence in concert and fell in love with Amy Lee. Her amazing voice was just, wow, and I imagined an idea about what really happens after the show in real life instead of the Hollywood ideals.

A little off topic but I think you all know what I mean. You’ve all sat in bed and heard some sultry music and the slow groove made you think of romance. That’s the joy and the power of music. It can set your mind free by making you smile, or better yet, your mood a little more frisky.

I can’t believe I got all serious and almost, dare I say, mushy there.

As a writer I find music as a great tool to put me in the mood to write. From the hard edge bondage scenes to the more romance and sunset and cuddles stuff I use music as a way to make me drift away and express my inner feelings. 

People that know me see me post about music and sex and funny stuff and they all are a part of everybody in one way or another. I was just asked to write a little about it and think it is so universal. Movies use the background music in the scenes and they have the climactic love scene where the first kiss is about to happen and they kiss and the music hits a crescendo and everyone goes "Awwwwwww". Action scenes with the fast rap music or rock blaring loudly making your ears bleed as the carnage flies across the screen

I mean can you picture a porno with no music? Just the bad dialogue and the close-ups. Scary stuff. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

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1 comment:

  1. I love hearing what music people write to. So many of us write with music that it's one of those questions I love to hear the answer to. For me I am usually listening to upbeat music with a rock vibe. My favorite bands to listen to are Bowling for Soup, Cage the Elephant, and Buck Cherry.

    A bit eclectic, but it works for me. ;p
