Here's a real April Fools trick on me. As part of the second billionaire set I'm in, I'm required to get a coloring book page made for my story, for a giveaway prize.
I know they want beautiful artwork, so for me "get" translates into "pay someone else to draw it."
I never really got good a coloring in the lines.
Don't get me wrong--I love a well-colored page. My next door neighbor could color dragons and butterflies that looked ready to leap off the page. Those pictures made my heart sing.
Me? As a kid, I was more into scribbling the brightest colors I could in the general direction of the middle. Later, I took to drawing naughty parts on the models, lol.
What about you? Love to color? What are your favorite types pictures to bring to life?
Check out this great set! 7 stories, 99 pennies.
That is so much fun! When can we look for the coloring book to come out? Is it an event specific promotion? Or will it be available to purchase online?