Friday, April 22, 2016

Local Appearance, Should I be scared?

April 23rd will be the first official signing I'm ever going to do as an author. 

I've done a couple of giveaways with signed copies, but this will be the first time I'm going to sit at a table with my name and books in front of me and ask people to pay money for them. Luckily, my local RWA chapter has made it super easy on me. They're doing a screening at our downtown library of the romance documentary "Love Between the Covers"

I get to relax with a great group of women with tons of experience in the industry and watch a great movie. For FREE. Then for a half an hour I'm going to set up a table with a few of my books and see if anyone is interested in some slightly off-color humor and more than slightly off-color language. 

Wonder if I'd get in trouble for wearing my #ROBOSEX tshirt...
A photo posted by Roxy Mews (@roxymews) on

If it's my first time, I can always claim ignorance, right. ;)

At any rate, if you're in Indianapolis on April 23rd, come watch a movie with me and maybe buy a book or two.

For any of my readers who have been foaming at the mouth for the Tiny House romance "Love Shack" I will even have early copies of that book to sell, but only five ($14 each). So if you're interested make sure you find me early on.

I hope you'll come and visit me! I'll have print books, some cover cards to sign, and some of my smagnets. (smut + magnets = smagnets)

But I'd love to chat with you all wether or not you come to buy. Info graphic below gives you all the goods IRWA is working on that weekend. Come check it out. We only bite if you ask nicely. 

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