Tuesday, March 29, 2016

National Pull My Finger Day!

Easter has passed and all the bunnies are gone and the chocolate highs are still in the air. As another Holiday passed by I began to notice the popping up of a lot of them.

I'm not just talking about the standard ones. Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving and of course, April Fools Day, (cough, cough).

It's more the random “day” holidays that cover the entire spectrum of events, foods, people, activities. There is basically a day for anything you can think of.
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Here's a list of the ones in just April.

National Walk to Work Day - first Friday of month
21 National High Five Day third Thursday
28 Take Your Daughter to Work 4th Thursday
29 Arbor Day  -last Friday of month

Now I know I wasted most of my blog on this list but I think it's funny that there are 365 in a year, (366 days this year). They have so many of these random days that they gang up a few on each day.

I get the National Donut Day, and a few others but come on. Rubber Ducky Day is understood and of course National Cookie day is a must. My point is the holidays are kind of getting way overboard. Starting to lose their specialty. Thank goodness I am not in HR and having to remember all this random chaos.

I like Holidays just as much as the other guy, or gal, but if we are having holidays for everything I want to have some fun.

National Honey-Do-List Burning Day, National Pull-My-Finger Day, National Build A Pillow Fort Day, National Spoil Dad and Do Whatever He Wants Day. I know you all say that's Father's Day but most Dad's still mow the lawn and do the typical chores.

If you could have a special day for yourself, what would you have?

And don't forget to connect with S. L. on FACEBOOK and TWITTER

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1 comment:

  1. Yours actually sound more real than some of the real holidays! I'm nominating National Stay In Bed And Read Day.
