Tuesday, March 29, 2016

National Pull My Finger Day!

Easter has passed and all the bunnies are gone and the chocolate highs are still in the air. As another Holiday passed by I began to notice the popping up of a lot of them.

I'm not just talking about the standard ones. Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving and of course, April Fools Day, (cough, cough).

It's more the random “day” holidays that cover the entire spectrum of events, foods, people, activities. There is basically a day for anything you can think of.
Don't forget to show your love for your FAVORITE holiday!
Use this badge to share the love.

Here's a list of the ones in just April.

National Walk to Work Day - first Friday of month
21 National High Five Day third Thursday
28 Take Your Daughter to Work 4th Thursday
29 Arbor Day  -last Friday of month

Now I know I wasted most of my blog on this list but I think it's funny that there are 365 in a year, (366 days this year). They have so many of these random days that they gang up a few on each day.

I get the National Donut Day, and a few others but come on. Rubber Ducky Day is understood and of course National Cookie day is a must. My point is the holidays are kind of getting way overboard. Starting to lose their specialty. Thank goodness I am not in HR and having to remember all this random chaos.

I like Holidays just as much as the other guy, or gal, but if we are having holidays for everything I want to have some fun.

National Honey-Do-List Burning Day, National Pull-My-Finger Day, National Build A Pillow Fort Day, National Spoil Dad and Do Whatever He Wants Day. I know you all say that's Father's Day but most Dad's still mow the lawn and do the typical chores.

If you could have a special day for yourself, what would you have?

And don't forget to connect with S. L. on FACEBOOK and TWITTER

Add Toy Story to your April Fools For Love collection!

Pre-Order NOW!


This is a totally different type of buzz and woody…

There’s nothing like hosting a pleasure toy party to broaden one’s horizon. At least that’s what Dana’s experiencing every time she puts her products on the table and starts talking about them.

She’s learning from her customers as much as they’re learning from her. And when she gets the chance to put those lessons into practice? She goes for it, and discovers that she’s a lot more inventive than she ever dreamed.

But Dana may be taking a huge risk, because not everyone is in favor of a good Toy Story.

Available on AMAZON for only 99¢!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Don't keep it all "Bottled Up" inside

I have been having a lot of fun with contemporaries. And I couldn't resist trying out another one for April Fool's Day.

Bottled Up is the story of two high school sweethearts who lost touch with each other, but can't seem to drop the feelings they had.

This was a STRETCH for me. LOL. I couldn't run from my own high school experience fast enough. Seriously... there might be skid marks in the road as I burned rubber out of that place. So it was super fun to imagine a world where true love smolders in the wake of a young romance.

I had a blast working on this collection of stories again this year, and I hope I can drag these folks along with me for many more April Fool's Days to come.

Enjoy the following blurb and excerpt from Bottled Up.

A clogged drain. A pretend plumber. An April Fool’s Day to remember.

Good looks don’t last forever, and neither do modeling careers. When Nate’s time in the sun ends, he goes back to school. Trouble is, in order to pay for his last semester he’s going to need to get naked.

When a four month modeling contract took Nate Dallas on an adventure around the world, he was too young to realize he was an idiot to leave his Blue-eyed Betty behind. After one night of passion he let her love letters fade in his pocket instead of fighting for a trip home.

Betty Townsend never forgot about Nate. He’d sent her the world in envelopes filled with sea shells and sand. She saw stars when he kissed her under a sparkling spotlight on stage. And she felt her heart break when he never returned to her.

When Nate shows up at Betty’s door, big wrench in hand, she can’t believe her first love is the one her friend hired to fix the sink.

Once Nate recognizes Betty, stripping is out of the question. So is leaving. He can’t throw this chance away. The heat between them is undeniable, but when Betty finds out her first love is covered in glitter down to his g-string, do they stand a chance at rekindling the love that never really burned out? Or will fate make fools out of them again?

The following is an excerpt from Bottled Up:

Her brain had fried the second she’d realized it was Nate. She’d completely forgotten about the glossy paper with his oily pecs on it hanging over the frozen foods section of her home. The ad was an oldie, but a goodie, and the black sand he was standing on filled one of her bottles. The vitamin supplement wasn’t the reason the VitaBoost ad was pinned up with a magnet. It was a memory.

Nate was damn near naked and holding a huge barbell in front of his…

A laugh came from the kitchen.

“Ang, I gotta go.”

Her friend was sputtering as she ended the call, but it was Betty who was stumbling for words when she walked into the kitchen and found Nate holding the picture of himself.

He cocked his eyebrow at her, and a dimple popped on his left cheek. It was something she’d fantasized about endlessly. But not while he was holding up proof she’d been pining for him after all this time.

“I didn’t even think they printed this anymore.”

They didn’t. She’d found an old magazine at a half price book store and snatched it up when she’d seen his face smoldering out at her.

“This is really embarrassing. It was a motivation pic for me,” she lied. “I’m on a diet…and…could I have that back?” She reached for the magazine page and he pulled it behind his body at an angle that she had no hope of reaching.

Well, she could reach it if she scaled him like a climbing wall. Her eyes dropped to what would be a hell of a foothold before she got her bearings and put her hands on her hips.

“You know you’re attractive.” Betty cleared her throat. “Attractive enough to not bother with me when you made it big and took off around the world.”

“You can’t know how sorry I am that I left things the way I did.” He handed her the picture back. “I thought you might have been keeping it for another reason. It’s not every day I see a picture of myself stuck to my ex’s fridge.”

“Were we together long enough to call it a relationship? Don’t worry about it, Nate. We were kids. Kids grow up, right?” She didn’t have time to feel foolish when he pulled his lips between his teeth. She felt the burn she’d never lost for him start to smolder. She should be mad at herself, but all she could really feel was longing. Remembering the job that had taken him away before they’d had a chance to explore each other, she closed the gap between them. She had to ask: “What would have happened if you hadn’t left?”

Nate’s hand rested on her face. He tilted her chin up and suddenly Betty was back in school. She was performing on stage, and Nate was still her Romeo. Only he didn’t have to leave for another country now. He was really here.

“I didn’t want to leave. By the time they got me back in the states, you were already in college, and…”

She had tried to forget about Nate in college. She’d gone out on dates. But they’d never made her feel the butterflies she’d felt with Nate. No one had her laughing with joy as she read a letter. No one else sent her souvenirs of the world. Now Nate was here, and it should be awkward. Instead his hand touched her and she couldn’t remember why she’d given up. He tucked a stray hair behind her ear and licked his lips. Her stomach fell out of her hoo-hah and flopped around at her feet like a fish out of water.

God, he was gorgeous.

But even with his stunning hazel eyes and adorable dimple, she realized she was keeping him from doing his job.

Betty coughed and stepped back. She ducked out of whatever spell he’d spun around her and waved her arm in the general direction of the sink. “I suppose I should let you get back to work. I promise, there will be no more pictures of yourself to distract you.”

Well…there wouldn’t be after she went to the bathroom and took the other one down.

What do you think? Want more? You can get Bottled Up at 

And you can get your hands on links for the ENTIRE April Fools For Love collection at 

I can't wait for you to read them all. No foolin'.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Mary Menages Blog Tour! This stop...Menage with Mechanics #GIVEAWAY

Hello to everyone who found their way here through Mary Menages' Blog Tour!

I was truly excited when one of my books was nominated for Mary's Menage Romance Reader Favorite Awards.

When she said she was doing a tour, I had to jump on it.

Because I have a menage I adore that I released last month!

Interlocking Hearts is a story about a woman who wants everything but love until her robot friend needed the skinny on sex. Paisley is a woman on a mission for pleasure, and it takes two very upgraded humanoids to teach her that sometimes means more than just sex.

Interlocking Hearts is part of the DMA Files series I started with Samhain Publishing. Although it is technically book #2 in the series (Coral-600 is book 1) it can be read as a stand alone.

When a human, and almost human, and a more-than-human get together...sparks fly.

After her husband threw her out, Paisley Compton drew her sexuality around her like a shield. She finds solid ground as a palace maid until, during a formal dinner service, she trips onto the lap of a man who takes her breath away.

Ben has always known Jon is far more than property, and he jumps at the chance to get the android his certificate of humanity. Paisley—whose abilities far exceed her job title—is a welcome distraction from the bureaucracy. 
Used and abused by his former owners, Jon trusts no one—particularly the smartass woman who’s caught Ben’s eye. He might not be certified human yet, but he has all the right parts to get to the bottom of this sexy mystery wrapped in a maid’s uniform.
Their attraction sparks unexpected new conduits among them, but when they realize Jon’s certificate comes with a terrible price, they must risk everything to foil an Anti-Mech plot—and hope they survive to lose themselves in each other’s arms.
Product Warnings
Overheating is likely. The mechanics in these pages require ample lubrication to perform at optimum levels. When possible, multiple system operators are recommended. 

AVAILABLE AT  AMAZON,  Barnes & Noble,  KOBO,  iBooks,  ARe, Samhain Publishing

I adore menage romance. It was some of the first erotic romance I ever read. MFM will always hold a special place in my heart for that reason. I love all forms of relationships, and I am forever grateful Samhain Publishing let me take the chance telling a story about my robotic citizens finding the happiness they deserve. 

Did I mention one of the heroes has a vibrating penis? You'll have to get the book to find out about all of his upgrades. 

Click the above link and it will take you to find out what my favorite food is. ;)


As a thank you for everyone who stopped by today, I'm doing my own giveaway. Fill in the rafflecopter goodies below and I'll announce the winner here and on Mary's Blog tomorrow. Good luck, everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway