Monday, February 1, 2016

Thirty Days Hath September...

Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November,
All the rest have thirty-one
Except February...

I can't be the only one who has to recite this poem to figure out how long a month is. I recite the thing with Great Gusto...until I get to February, when I dribble off. All the rest have thirty-one, except February which has twenty-eight except then there's leap year when it has twenty-nine and don't even get me started on leap seconds....

But THIS is a Leap Year. And since there's a Leap Year duo coming out this month, maybe I'd better know the real rhyme.

Wikipedia to the rescue!!
Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November.
Thirty-one hath all the rest,
Except for February clear which has 28 and 29 in a leap year.
Woo hoo! So now we know how to rhyme this February. Which is important because--S.L. Carpenter has a new Leap Year themed release, along with brand-new author pen name Remi Bond. TA-DA!!

Surprise for Three: Time Stands Still by Remi Bond

THE GIRL NEXT DOOR Annaliese loves Ransom, but she's too shy for him to date. She's throwing him this Leap Year birthday party as a farewell to her dreams of a future with him--she doesn't get his heart pumping, but she knows the beautiful exotic dancer popping out of the cake will.

THE RICH PLAYBOY Ransom needs the adrenaline rush extreme sports gives him, including high-risk sex. He has loved Annaliese since childhood but knows he's not settled enough for her. But still, if he could only get her to relax and enjoy herself, he knows she'd be happier.

THE INJURED SEAL Jack's finally home from war for good and looking for a sweet woman to settle down with. But somehow he's been maneuvered into popping out of a cake for some rich woman's birthday party. When he spies sweet Annaliese he knows she's the one he wants. But she loves another...

When the exotic dancer popping out of Ransom's birthday cake turns out to be a well-muscled man, it's a surprise for all three.

Chasing Dreams by S.L. Carpenter--more to come!!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so good! I am so excited about it. Do we get a cover art tease soon?
