Monday, February 29, 2016

Taking a Leap on Leap Year--Guest Remi Bond

There's an old joke that goes like this: A sexologist was giving a popular lecture and warmed up the audience with some questions.

"How many of you have sex multiple times a week?" she asked.
A couple dozen hands went up.
"Good. And how many have sex once a week?"
Over half the audience raised their hands.
"All right. How many of you have sex a few times a month?"
The other half raised their hands.
"Fine. All right, how many have sex less than that?"
One hand shot straight up in the air.
"You poor thing," the sexologist said. "How many times a year do you have sex?"
"Once!" the man panted like an eager dog.
"Only one time a year?" the sexologist said, surprised. "Why are you so excited?"
"Tonight's the night!"

Every four years something magical happens. Like Brigadoon, the mystical Scottish village that appears only one day every hundred years, every four years February gets an extra day--and TODAY'S THE DAY!

This may not mean much to many of us, but what about the poor souls born on Leap Year Day? Their actual birthday only happens once every four years. Think about being a child, waiting for birthdays. Can you imagine waiting four times as long?

That's why I'm so excited about today. Today's the release day for two Leap Year themed books, S.L. Carpenter's Chasing Dreams: Leap Year and my Surprise for Three: Leap Year. Here are the covers. Aren't they gorgeous?


Below are the blurbs and some excerpts to whet your appetite!

Chasing Dreams: Leap Year by S.L. Carpenter

Michelle has reached a crossroads in her life just as the year offers her an extra day – February 29th. Walking away from an empty relationship and striking out on a new path is reviving feelings—both scary and wonderful. A train trip home offers time to think about her future, and what the Leap Year might bring. It also offers her a good looking drunk, passed out in her sleeping compartment.

Josh is mortified that he crashed in the wrong compartment, but fascinated by the woman who let him sleep and even covered him with a blanket. Their meeting seems pre-destined, as does the passion sparking between them.

But they both have pasts, and sometimes the past can leave a long shadow across the future. Michelle and Josh will have to come to terms with where they’ve been before they can really set off on the ultimate adventure…chasing their dreams.


Surprise for Three: Leap Year by Remi Bond

Will she dare to take a leap this bold?

THE GIRL NEXT DOOR … she's not daring enough for him
Annaliese loves Ransom, but has given up on winning his heart. It hurts too much to watch him with other women, so she’s leaving town. In farewell, she throws him a Leap Year birthday party—with a surprise. She may not get his heart a-pumping, but the beautiful exotic dancer popping out of the cake will.

THE RICH PLAYBOY … he's too much of a risk-taker for her
Ransom’s heart belongs to Annaliese, but he’s convinced he’d make her miserable, since he craves the adrenaline rush of extreme sports and kinky sex. He can only hope his passion for her matures before another man sweeps her away … and then the giant cake is wheeled in.

THE WOUNDED WARRIOR … she's just what he's looking for
Jack is home from duty as a Navy SEAL and on the hunt for a sweet woman to settle down with. When a relative maneuvers him into a pirate costume to swing his sword for some rich chick's birthday party, he goes along as a favor. Then he spies sweet Annaliese watching his moves and knows she's the one.

A LEAP YEAR LOVE TRIANGLE … can they make it last?
When Jack sees the way Annaliese looks at Ransom, he’s ready to back away … until Ransom invites him to a private after-party for three. Can Annaliese overcome her shyness to share passion with not one, but two hot men?

Warning: This story contains hot ménage and demonstrations of affection between two alpha heroes and one heroine.

Don’t miss your chance to get in on this sexy celebration—get your copy of Surprise for Three today!


Enjoy the following excerpt from Chasing Dreams: Leap Year by S.L. Carpenter:

Struggling with feelings and the awkward uncertain situation, they walked back to her compartment. Josh leaned down and kissed Michelle. She placed her hand on his neck and let her lips move against his. God, he was so hot. Inside she was on fire, but she had to contain it.

"Goodnight, Josh, thank you for a wonderful evening."

"You sure? I mean I could..."

Michelle stopped him from continuing. "Let's not ruin this with a torrid night of incredible, hot, passionate, earth shattering sex."

"Yeah, that would really be a bad thing," he sighed, looking down at her.

He kissed her forehead then raised her face with his hands and kissed her lips. His hands lowered along her sides, brushing the sensitive skin aside her breast.

"Mmm, oh yes," she murmured.

Her hands found his waist and her knees weakened at the affectionate way he kissed her. Her mouth dropped open and she lifted her head back when Josh blew hot air gently into her ear and squeezed her ass. She almost succumbed to his advances because she was already wet in anticipation for him.

"Josh, I c-c-can't." She hesitated before pushing him back. "I can't just jump into another relationship like this. It's too soon."

Looking down, Josh nodded but was obviously disappointed. He walked to his room and waved at Michelle but didn't turn towards her because his hard-on was making his pants poke out.

Michelle was torn. What should she do?

Enjoy the following excerpt from Surprise for Three: Leap Year by Remi Bond:

 “Jack, wait up a moment.”

The motherly alto stopped Jack in his silent pad across the office. Business manager Lilly, not even looking up from her paperwork, waved him toward her overflowing desk. How does she know I’m here? He’d moved soundlessly from habit. Had she detected his scent or were there webcams—? Not that he hadn’t already checked. Whatever it was, it’d make her a mint as a covert operative.
He could’ve used it six months ago, when a bullet nearly bought him a voyage home in a wooden box.

Lilly ran Sweet Treats, the innocuous name of a party service that featured exotic dancers for shindigs from bachelor to birthday—specialty, jumping out of a cake.

Now she glared at her computer screen as if she’d set it on fire.

“What’s wrong?” Jack turned in the doorway, glad he wasn’t her monitor.

“This. It’s a fiasco.” She twisted her monitor toward him and thunked a finger against the screen. “The request is for a Deluxe Pop-out Cake with a female dancer.”


So,” she jabbed at the screen, “the client is a woman. I just spoke with her. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, a woman requesting a stripper means a gal party, a bachelorette or birthday. They need a male dancer.”

“So get one of the men on the roster.” When she continued to stare he felt forced to defend himself with, “I handle odd jobs—”

“This is an odd job.” One gray brow rose.

Her hair was white but her brows weren’t merely gray, they were iron gray. Gun-metal gray. Bullet-between-the-eyes gray.

Jack held up both palms. “Non-naked-getting odd jobs.”

“You don’t have to get naked.” She twisted the monitor back to her and, eyes dropping to the screen, began to type. “G-string is fine.”

Monday, February 22, 2016

Bacon Bucket List

If anyone has followed me on social media for any amount of time knows something about me.


I have a bacon themed game, I've had bacon for more than one meal in the same day, and hubby knows the way to my heart is to cook some bacon for me so I don't get those horrible grease splatters on my arms.

Bacon is the candy of the meat world, and I'm always down for munching on my favorite pieces of pork perfection.

My delight in the smoked meat has led to some of my friends sending me pictures, recipes, and general craziness involving bacon.

So I'm going to start a Bacon Bucket List.

I need your help. What do I need to eat/drink/try? I'm looking to make the ULTIMATE baconpalooza experience.

This is my list so far....
Coming July 2016!

1. Try the Country Fried Bacon at Sodolacks Original Country Inn.

2. Have a BLT Bloody Mary at Hash House A Go Go.

3. Attend the Bacon Fest in Chicago and pig out. (pun intended)

4. Have a bacon steak. I have always wanted a thick cut of bacon prepared like a steak. I have heard of some places doing this and became so obsessed with it, I put it in my upcoming release (Love Shack). Not sure where to go get this, but I will find it.

5. Make a bacon weave wrap for a Thanksgiving Turkey. I could probably do this anytime, but it seems like a lot of work. Anyone with tips or tricks, lay 'em on me! The recipe I was thinking of using is this one... Bacon Wrapped Roasted Turkey.

Although there are somethings even I'm not willing to try with bacon...

Don't call this a rim shot. It makes me think of bacon in uncomfortable places......

So tell me...what do I need to add? I have a feeling I've mentioned bacon in a few of my books at this point. So this counts as research, right?


To find Roxy's books with buy links and what she has coming up next check out her website at

Monday, February 15, 2016

A Sizzling Sweet Deal

Head's up, y'all. It's the very last day to pick up Sweet Sizzle for only 99 smackaroos. So make sure to scoop up this deal before it's gone.

Valentine’s Day—the bane of Rory Sinclair’s existence. Hard to forgive the one holiday responsible for the single most moronic decision of her life. If it was up to her, she’d skip anything to do with cupid, but with her business partner home sick with the flu, she’s stuck delivering a bunch of cookie bouquets to a local firehouse. Who knows, maybe she’ll cure her Valentine’s Day neurosis and heat up the mattress with a hunky firefighter. Her plan of donning some edible undies and getting her freak on goes up in flames though the instant she steps through the doors of Station 5 and spots Bennet Jackson—the man responsible for her decade long Valentine’s Day boycott.

No matter how hard he’s tried, Ben has never gotten over the innocent girl he foolishly let slip between his fingers. When Rory unexpectedly crashes back into his world, he figures it’s his only shot at righting the wrongs of his past and getting her back in his bed and his life. For good. Unfortunately, she has other plans. Ones that don’t include him. He’s well aware that she has every reason to despise him, but if there’s one thing he’s up for, it’s a challenge. Because there’s no way in hell he’s losing the woman of his dreams again. And this time he’s prepared to pull out every dirty, sexy, and hotter-than-sin trick to convince her to stay.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Oh, What a Release It Is!

Tomorrow I am unleashing more ROBOSEX upon you all! Muahahaha!

While putting the final touches on Coral-600, my editor asked me "When do I get Paisley's book?"

Hmm...a book for Paisley?

I knew Paisley had a hell of a story in her, and she didn't disappoint. I had a blast uncovering who she was and where her story started.

Get your pre-orders in so you don't miss out. Paisley might have had a rough start to her new life, but the rewards for being who you are...well they tend to be twice as sweet.

We all know Valentine's Day is just around the corner. And Samhain Publishing knows how to celebrate. They are putting ALL romance ebooks on sale for 40% off! 

There's no better time to stock up. That means, if you've missed out, you can snag Coral-600 and Interlocking Hearts for a steal.

A human, an almost-human, and a more-than-human walk into a palace…
The DMA Files, Book 2
After her husband threw her out, Paisley Compton drew her sexuality around her like a shield. She finds solid ground as a palace maid until, during a formal dinner service, she trips onto the lap of a man who takes her breath away.
Ben has always known Jon is far more than property, and he jumps at the chance to get the android his certificate of humanity. Paisley—whose abilities far exceed her job title—is a welcome distraction from the bureaucracy. 
Used and abused by his former owners, Jon trusts no one—particularly the smartass woman who’s caught Ben’s eye. He might not be certified human yet, but he has all the right parts to get to the bottom of this sexy mystery wrapped in a maid’s uniform.
Their attraction sparks unexpected new conduits among them, but when they realize Jon’s certificate comes with a terrible price, they must risk everything to foil an Anti-Mech plot—and hope they survive to lose themselves in each other’s arms.
Product Warnings

Overheating is likely. The mechanics in these pages require ample lubrication to perform at optimum levels. When possible, multiple system operators are recommended. 

Pleasure is not a malfunction.

The DMA Files, Book 1

Coral-600 is the first and only one of her kind. An artificial intelligence prototype with realistic skin over her metal frame, she was deemed too expensive for mass production and gifted to the royal family.

She cannot legally have a relationship with a human, and it never entered her electronic brain to want more—to break the law. Until she meets Quinn, and her DNA-enhanced skin tingles with a completely new sensation. Desire.

His body damaged beyond repair in the war, Quinn survived—barely—by agreeing to have much of it rebuilt. His royal relatives have taken him in, but it’s tough adjusting to a body that doesn’t come with instructions.

As Coral helps Quinn cope with his new body, the connection between them reaches the melt-down point. But unless she can convince the authorities that humanity runs deeper than flesh and bone, she’ll have her CPU wiped clean—permanently.

Product Warning: This book contains artificial and natural flavors, lubricant (lots and lots of lubricant), and fun with oh-so-hard drives.

Thank you to everyone who has taken a chance on my robotic romances. I hope you enjoy reading Paisley's story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


To find Roxy's books with buy links and what she has coming up next check out her website