Monday, July 27, 2015

Having a BLOCK Party

Each month I delve into my weird mind to come up with ideas of subjects to write about. Everyone has read about the theory of writing, the best way to sell books, how to draw in readers, etc, etc.

I tend to write about things I like to talk about, music, my twisted mind, last time it was pussy…cats.

So what has this twisted mind come up with this month?
Writers Block
We all get it. Like a disease, as a writer you are rolling along writing the best scene ever and you are almost filled with tears because it seems so easy.

You go to sleep plotting the rest of the book in your weary brain to finish the next day and wake up after dreaming about having a birthday cake over your…ummmm, private parts and having Kate Beckinsale (sorry, this is MY dream) blowing the candles out.

You stretch, climb out of bed, adjust certain things, scratch inappropriately, then sit at your laptop and WHAM, the block drops on your head.

The sweat beads up on your forehead as you stare blankly at the screen that could easily be written in Japanese for all you know because something happened to your creative mojo. Panic sets in, you try re-reading your previous pages, four cups of coffee, three donuts and a banana, don’t help.

It can be a couple hours, days, weeks, months but the groove is gone.

As writers I know a lot of you don’t need to be in “the mood” to write and can crank out a couple thousand words a day like it isn’t a big deal. I really wish I could but writing humor and romance together is tough. I mean how many jokes can you make about naming body parts and the negative effects of extra-spicy-bean-burritos in a book.

For me I won’t write if not in the mood. The reader will feel how I am forcing myself to write romantic scenarios and scenes where my mood is that of a dead fish. At least that’s how I see it.

All types of creative people go through these struggles. Losing the muse can be devastating. Personally, I have this happening now because of scattering my focus like a fart in a tornado, it’s everywhere and all twisted up.

Yes I am rambling but I was told to just write your thoughts and the words will come. Just writing this blog is a creative burst of thoughts, no matter how scattered.

I’m no expert but writers block is pretty scary and quite common. As a writer it gets frustrating and you end up writing something unworthy of your efforts. For the readers they can feel the passion missing that spark that burns in the words.

And don't forget to connect with S. L. on FACEBOOK and TWITTER

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1 comment:

  1. So true! Keeping it fresh is not easy...though I think your ramblings are better than most people's put-together thoughts :)
