Monday, March 23, 2015

Cons with a Kiss

Tag, I’m it….

It’s my turn again to write for the blog and make all you wonderful readers and fans of all us Lusty Linguists.

Usually I get a message from Roxy and she says, “Write something, and quit looking at those pictures of rubber ducks!” and I have a blank stare and try to figure out something different and worthwhile to intrigue your mind or make you shudder in fear.

I toss about many different ideas and thoughts to make people wonder, “What the hell does this guy drink to get him so odd?”

To answer that question I have no idea.

The kiss might have been just as good as the crown!
After the gallons of diet Coke and Girl Scout cookies streaming through my veins, who knows what’s going on in my empty skull.

As usual something said to me helped spark a thought.

It’s “Con” season.

It’s that time of year again where authors, readers, publishers and anyone else in the book industry cringe.

For about 8 months now there will be a convention somewhere for a variety of genres and anything else to tickle your fancy. Every weekend somewhere in the US there  are conventions celebrating something. I like to call them mental getaways because most of the time I drink enough to get mental and do something embarrassing.

After returning home from San Antonio and the Wild WickedWeekend conference, I did find some fun pictures taken while there.

Kissing the winner of a Drag Queen Contest in San Antonio was one.

Each time I try to go to all the fun events and see all the sights and mainly, talk shop with authors and readers. I only bring this up because I hope to meet more and more readers this year.  It’s prime time fun and a great chance to get around like-minded people that love to read. I like the stories with pictures and words with less than seven letters myself.

Most of you have probably been to a convention and had the chance to meet your favorite authors and get selfies and autographs. Personally I hate selfies because I always look like a super-psycho-nerdy-bearded-dork, but that’s a topic for a later post.

Last time I mentioned meeting these wonderful women of this group at RT last year and maybe it’s a theme but conventions are always fun for me.

On a better note I am writing again and planning to dazzle you all with something really different then before. Over the years I have covered quite a bit of things from midgets in porn, husbands buying sex toys to cavemen having sex. And those are just the more tame things.

Be on the lookout for some new stories from these amazing writers of this group very soon. They all are Bad-Ass writers and I hope to make their stories look good.

What conferences are you attending this year? Or what ones have you already been to? We'd love to hear about them.

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And don't forget to connect with S. L. on FACEBOOK and TWITTER


  1. Ooooh! con-time! I am going to RT in Dallas, Lori Foster's RAGT, AAD in Atlanta and the InD'Scribed weekend in Palm Springs. I hope to meet some of you there!

  2. No cons this year, but I am going to the Writer's Police Academy, where I'm hoping to get the inside deets on car chases and perp take-downs :)

  3. I'll be at RT this year, Tracey! Would love to meet up with you!

  4. I tried to post earlier but it didn't take so I'll try again. The only Con I've been to was Dragoncon in 2001. I arrived but my suitcase didn't so I spent the first night in a pair of borrowed knickers and fueled on a gut full of Screwdrivers. I didn't sleep for 36 hours and then went out the next night with a red devil's tail stuck to my back with bodge tape. I bent over to pick something up and the tape split leaving me with a floppy tail. A friend told me she will never forget me forcing another poor male friend to rip off the tape and restick it.
    I was led across his lap saying "just pull it tight and f***ing do it. Do it now! Do it!" As a whole crowd of people came into the hotel room at that point.

    Don't you want to go to a Con with me now? LOL love Sarah S x

  5. I'm also disturbed by the fact I have almost the same dress as the drag queen in that picture. He/she clearly shops on QVC!
