Monday, December 28, 2015

Gearing Up to Make Fools of Ourselves in 2016

There are only a few days left in the year, and I think most of us are wondering where the hell the time went.

I just got used to writing 2015 on my documents. At least it's going to be easy to draw a little line and make that 5 a 6. The 2014 to 2015 transition was a bitch.

The Lust With a Laugh crew tried something new this year and put out a collection of stories. While everyone is coming down from a holiday high and wondering where the rest of that pie went, we are gearing up for our favorite holiday... April Fool's Day!

Once again the Lusty Linguists (and a few of our friends) are going to get you some stories to read that will make you smile, make you squirm, and might just give you a few ideas for your own April Fool's Day pranks.

We will be releasing ALL NEW stories for mass consumption on April 1st 2016. No Foolin'! (see what I did there?)

As the lineup is finalized you can check back on our group website for the new books, and ordering details!

Find it all at...

As 2015 is ending, I think most of us look at what we've done and where we're going. 

Sometimes the trip down memory lane is more fun than others. Sometimes you have epic freakouts about deadlines, and other times you are googling where to buy flounder paddles.

The Lusty Linguists want to remind you that it's always an easier journey when you can smile. We hope that we've brought you a few of those this year, and look forward to bringing you more in 2016. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

When you can't remember what day it is....

So. Apparently it is Monday. Or...if you're one of my friends on the other side of the's probably Tuesday. *waves to folks in the future*

I've been trying to juggle all the things I said I could do in the middle of the year, with the amount of actual time I have. 

Here's where reality shows what a bitch it is. 

Things I said I would do this month...

1. Have all my shopping done ahead of time. 

2. Finish edits for a new contemporary series.

3. Have a draft ready to go for April Fools For Love 2016

4. Get 20k into a new story.

5. Give myself time to crochet a new scarf as a present to myself.

Here's how all of that went....

1. I am the Oprah of gift giving. "You get a gift card! And you get a gift card! EVERYONE GETS A GIFT CAAAARRRRRDDD!"

2. If I get the edits done without asking for a second extension, does that count?

I am having nightmares about "Simultaneous Action" notes.
3. I'm close....ish.


5. I bought yarn...

This time of year we all seem to be running around like crazy people.

Well all of us except those few who have time to hand make holiday cards and send them out on the first of December.

Dear people like this, just so you know...we are all jealous of your organization and preparedness. And we all hate you a little.

So do you have a ton of things to do this week too? Or is it just me out here floundering in the abyss of xmas unpreparedness?

To find Roxy's books with buy links and what she has coming up next check out her website at

Monday, December 7, 2015

Passion Bites--tour today, release tomorrow!

Starts Today

Tour includes Rafflecopter GIVEAWAY with prizes of 5 $10 egiftcards and more!


Passion Bites (Biting Love, Book 9)
A broken vampire and a driven doctor, seized by a passion neither can afford.

Dr. Alexis Byornsson has her hands full in the ER when her patient’s uncle blows into the exam room. Stitching up a five-year-old’s cut is hard enough without a blond god distracting her all to hell.

To say she’s furious is putting it mildly—not that anyone would notice. Not with the legendary control that’s earned her the nickname “Dr. Frozen”.

Luke Steel never knew a woman chastising him could be so sexy. But for the first time in three hundred years, passion stirs in his gut—along with panic. Since his wife was taken before his eyes in a brutal attack, he’s sworn he’d never feel that powerless again.

Almost before either Luke or Alexis realize what’s happening, they’re sharing a blazing kiss that shatters her logical armor and unleashes his wholly unwanted mating instinct. And spurs a closer-than-skin enemy to put into motion a devastating plan for revenge.

Warning: This book contains a hot doctor and a hotter vampire messing up sterile surfaces. The usual rogue shenanigans, but this time covering deeper motives. Hang on to your stethoscopes at what’s revealed!

Google Play:
All Romance:
UK Amazon:
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You work hard making the holidays romantic, magical, fun, and a warm family time. This is our gift to you! If you like emotional romance, dark paranormal or light fantasy, sass and wit, or sizzling sex--and who doesn't like sizzling sex?--join 12 authors for games, chat and giveaways--and Twelve Days of 99c Books, December 1-12.

And remember, Beauty Bites is only 99c but only for a few more days! Grab yours now.
Beauty is skin deep…but the beast goes all the way.

Kindle | Nook | Samhain | Kobo | iBooks | Google Play | All Romance | UK Kindle | UK Nook

When top Minneapolis ad man Ric Holiday is asked to design a campaign for a quaint little town, his first reaction is absolutely not. Meiers Corners is too near Chicago, home of the vampire who turned him as an orphaned boy.

Then the city sends an angel-faced med student with a body made for sin to plead their case. Synnove Byornsson is the ray of sunshine Ric hasn’t felt since he was human.

Armed with determination and a micro miniskirt, Synnove is prepared to crash Holiday’s penthouse cocktail party—and to dislike him on sight. But Mr. All-Style-No-Substance turns out to have a deadly smile, a barely restrained, feral strength, and piercing blue eyes that look at her—not at her cleavage.

Unfortunately Synnove has competition in the form of a sly temptress with a counterproposal. For the first time in her life, Synnove must cash in her genetic lottery ticket and fire back with some sizzle of her own—or her beloved Meiers Corners could become the new Sin City.

Warning: Contains a doctor with a bod for sin, an ad exec with a chip on his shoulder, sarcasm, sex, and a cabin full of annoying friends. Secrets are revealed. One heart-stopping, horrific moment leads to the ultimate of happily-ever-afters.

**Guilty Pleasures A True Gem; Blackraven's Reviews Recommended Read, Harlie's Book Reviews Recommended Read; RT Reviews 4-Star review

Google Play:
All Romance:
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