Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hughes and Mews...New Releases For Your E-Readers!

A little less than human...a little more than ordinary.

Two of the Lusty Linguists are sharing a release week, and we have two novellas for you to fall in love with.

Coral-600 is a romance with some Sci-Fi steam, and Masked Attraction has a couple that will make you feel the "Pull of the Moon."

Buy both at any of your favorite retailers!

Are there any new releases that have you excited? Tell us about them. We all need to feed the e-reader. 


Pleasure is not a malfunction.

Coral-600 is the first and only one of her kind. An artificial intelligence prototype with realistic skin over her metal frame, she was deemed too expensive for mass production and gifted to the royal family.

She cannot legally have a relationship with a human, and it never entered her electronic brain to want more—to break the law. Until she meets Quinn, and her DNA-enhanced skin tingles with a completely new sensation. Desire.

His body damaged beyond repair in the war, Quinn survived—barely—by agreeing to have much of it rebuilt. His royal relatives have taken him in, but it’s tough adjusting to a body that doesn’t come with instructions.

As Coral helps Quinn cope with his new body, the connection between them reaches the melt-down point. But unless she can convince the authorities that humanity runs deeper than flesh and bone, she’ll have her CPU wiped clean—permanently.

Warning: This book contains artificial and natural flavors, lubricant (lots and lots of lubricant), and fun with oh-so-hard drives.

Masked Attraction (Pull of the Moon)


The masks are coming off. 

Daniel Light loved Zoe Blackwood when he was a gangly dork. Now a powerful wizard prince, a masked ball gives him a new chance to woo her. 

Wolf shifter Zoe, desperate to recreate the feelings of romantic love she had in high school, throws the ball as her last chance at romance before her wolf forces her to mate. That romantic memory was courtesy of rich, classy, dorky Daniel, the only boy she could always count on yet never really noticed. When he shows up at the ball, he's still rich and classy, but not dorky at all, and she notices his lion's prowl and deadly grace plenty. The question is—can she still count on him? 

Coming between them is an evil fire wizard and an ancient parchment with a deadly prophecy. 

Warning: A wolf shifter on the cusp of mate-or-else, a smokin' hot wizard who won't let anything stand in his way, and fun in closets.

Monday, February 16, 2015

#ROBOSEX Giveaway!

Who wants to have some Robosex?

I am so excited that my little Robot romance is almost here. This story began as an offhand comment on Twitter. Then I realized I REALLY wanted to write it.

With the help of my fantastic editor and the whole team at Samhain Publishing, even though we really had no idea how to classify a romance between robots, we went for it.

I'm so excited, I can't wait the extra week to share this book. So I want to give away a copy!

Coral-600 is the story of a robot realizing she's more than just metal and gears, and a human who realizes he's not quite as confident in his humanity anymore. The two find each other somewhere in the grey area between human and robotics and realize pleasure is not a malfunction.

Because I'm so excited to share, comment below and I'll give one commenter an early copy of Coral-600 for themselves. I'll use Random.org to draw a winner from the entries submitted by Midnight Friday Feb. 20th EST. 

So...Who wants #robosex? :D


The DMA Files, Book 1
Coral-600 is the first and only one of her kind. An artificial intelligence prototype with realistic skin over her metal frame, she was deemed too expensive for mass production and gifted to the royal family.
She cannot legally have a relationship with a human, and it never entered her electronic brain to want more—to break the law. Until she meets Quinn, and her DNA-enhanced skin tingles with a completely new sensation. Desire.
His body damaged beyond repair in the war, Quinn survived—barely—by agreeing to have much of it rebuilt. His royal relatives have taken him in, but it’s tough adjusting to a body that doesn’t come with instructions. 
As Coral helps Quinn cope with his new body, the connection between them reaches the melt-down point. But unless she can convince the authorities that humanity runs deeper than flesh and bone, she’ll have her CPU wiped clean—permanently.
Product Warnings
This book contains artificial and natural flavors, lubricant (lots and lots of lubricant), and fun with oh-so-hard drives.

Buy yourself a copy from...

All Romance Ebooks


Barnes & Noble


To find Roxy's books with buy links and what she has coming up next check out her website at RoxyRocksMe.com.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Getting Kinky with Kinky Claus Giveaway!

To celebrate the release of Kinky Claus I'm holding a special giveaway just for Lust With a Laughers. Make sure to check out the handy dandy Rafflecopter form below for details!

Kinky Claus BT Banner.jpg

Kinky Claus by Jodi Redford


‘Tis the season to be naughty...

The only thing worse than the annual office Christmas party is attending the stinkin’ thing alone. Refusing to consign herself to that fate yet again, Marissa Wagner throws her normally sensible self aside and does what any newly adventurous—okay, desperate—woman in her shoes would do—she hires a male escort. But when he arrives for their pre-party introduction her situation goes from problem solved, to one holy whopper of a complication. Her paid-for dream man...is also her best friend’s brother.

Trig Campbell has been in the escorting biz long enough to realize there’s a risk of being set up with someone he knows. Never in a million years did he count on that person being Marissa. Out of all of Jane’s friends, Rissa’s always been the less wild of the bunch. Now that fate’s in his corner, he’s more than game to help her explore her bad girl side and play out every kinky fantasy they can. Getting past her doubts is no easy feat. Fortunately he knows a thing or two about cranking up the carnal heat, and soon he and Marissa embark on a week-long intensely erotic journey that leaves them both shaken and craving more.

As their time together draws closer to an end, Trig is haunted by a question he’d never expected to face. What possible future can a gigolo offer a woman like Marissa? And can he let her go when the time comes?

Warning: This book contains a player well-versed in the fine art of sin, a good girl who’s about to find out how delicious it is to be bad, enough kinky uses for a candy cane to make an elf blush, and verifiable proof that Santa does indeed come more than once a year.

Buy Link:

Kinky Claus teaser4.jpg

Author Links:

Kinky Claus teaser3.jpg


Jane herded them to the escalator and they rode it to the second floor where they braved the cosmetic counter ladies and their arsenal of noxious perfume spritzes.

Doing her best to contain her coughs, Marissa ducked into the women’s evening wear section and bee-lined for the sales rack. She spotted a zebra-print number that resembled a bandage rather than something a sane woman should be seen wearing in public. Quickly hiding the ensemble behind an oversized sweater before Jane could pounce on it, Marissa continued appraising her choices. A respectably understated emerald green velvet sheath caught her eye and she freed it from its place of honor between a pair of leather skinny jeans and a powder blue cashmere cardigan.

Situating the dress against her front, she pivoted sideways. “What do you think of this?”

Simple and sexy. I like it.”

She jerked her head up and gaped at Trig’s grinning mug. Before she could get her mouth to function she was interrupted by Jane’s perfectly timed appearance. Spearing her brother with a fierce look, Jane sidled next to Marissa. “What? Your bromance already on the rocks? Guess you shouldn’t have kept him waiting while consorting with us peons.”

No, Jack texted me that he had an emergency pop up.” Trig propped his elbow on top of the clothes rack and flashed a smile that made Marissa squirm. “Looks like I’m all yours.”

Lucky us.” Snorting, Jane turned her attention to the dress Marissa was clutching. She clucked her tongue. “Not enough cleavage. Or leg.”

You’re not dressing me like a hoochie mama.”

Her expression pained, Jane glanced at Trig. “On second thought, you might come in useful. Clearly I need all the help I can convincing Polly the Prude here to wear something that wasn’t designed for Bingo Night at the convalescent home.”

Marissa rolled her eyes.

Occasion?” Trig inquired. Judging from the wicked twinkle in his irises he knew damn well what the dress was for.

My office work party,” she gritted between her teeth.

The game plan is to get her laid while she’s there.”

Marissa was torn between the desire to throttle Jane for that comment or crawl into the security of the nearest clothes rack to hide. That last option sounded like the wiser choice when Trig’s mouth tipped upward at one corner.

Oh yeah?”

Marissa shook her head adamantly. “Don’t listen to her. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

Bullshit.” Jane flicked her wrist. “Everyone knows office parties are for faxing photo copies of your ass to your ex and/or freaky sex with that questionable guy from the mailroom. Preferably you’ll kill two birds with one stone by getting it on atop of said copier.”

I really worry about you sometimes.” Marissa risked another peek in Trig’s direction. He was still eyeing her with blazing interest. Fairly certain he was mentally calculating the proper alignment required for Xeroxing her naked fanny, she hugged the dress tighter to her chest and inched toward the fitting rooms. “I’m going to, uh, try this on.”

Jane grumbled under her breath and stalked to a display of designer evening gowns on the opposite side of the walkway. Her credit card already cringing in anticipation of what her friend would attempt to foist on her, Marissa scooted around Trig. He surprised her by falling in step next to her, and she slid him a questioning glance.

Thought you might require some assistance getting out of your bra.” Crooking his arm around her shoulder, he flashed his teeth in a wolfish grin.

She smothered a laugh. “I’m sure you have plenty of experience in that department, but fortunately mine unhooks in the front.” Oh Lord, why did she tell him that? Discussing her undergarments sure as hell didn’t help her situation.

I’d never live with myself if you broke a nail fiddling with the hook.”

Your concern for my manicure is touching. Truly.”

Oh, there will be plenty of touching involved. Most likely some licking and sucking too.”

Her nipples tightened at his teasing promise. She really shouldn’t be enjoying this flirty seduction as much as she was. Clearing her throat, she gave a pointed look to the arm he’d draped around her.

Sighing in exaggerated dejection, he dropped his arm. “You know where to find me when that stubborn clasp gives you problems.”

She stepped forward—and killed her squeak when he delivered a light smack to her ass. Flustered, she slashed a look over her shoulder to ensure that Jane hadn’t caught the gesture. Her best friend was still absorbed with the task of scrutinizing the overpriced dresses in the adjacent department. Gusting a relieved breath, Marissa pointed her finger at Trig. “Stop being so naughty.”

You haven’t seen anything yet.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 2, 2015

Recharging Batteries...or Shorting Them Out?

photo credit: michael*choi via photopin cc
Ever been caught between work deadlines on one hand, family pressures on the other, daily obligations on the other hand...wait. Three hands?? **Wandering body part alert** AOOHga!!

*covers eyes* Um, yeah, one of those pressures is some editing I have to do.

So anyway, I was looking at my calendar for the next few months. I have a March 1 novel deadline and 30,000 words to write, then edit before then. A February 22 novella deadline with 5000 words ditto. A novella which has been edited--I just have to find the time to make the changes, then polish it, format it, and distribute it. A book to read, and a contest to judge. Oh, and rehearsals for our next symphony concert start this month. Fortunately there are no bird parts for the lovely principal flute. *grins over big huffed relieved breath*

Oh yeah, and do taxes.

photo credit: sbfisher via photopin cc
My whole head is wanting to explode just from that.

But it doesn't have to. I'm going to let you all in on an Ancient Chinese Secret. Or actually, a Pretty Old Korean Secret, learned many years ago when I was studying Taekwondo.

Rest between breaths.

When you're sparring, you're going all out. One flurry of kicks turns into a pounding of punches, turns into another flurry of kicks, because if you let up, the other guy will fold you in half with a sidekick.

I totally do not know what I'm talking about from experience.

Anyway, you're under constant, and I mean constant, physical pressure. Rasping breath, pounding heart, trembling limbs pressure. Unless you get some rest, you'll lose stamina and strength, and without those you lose the match.

So you learn to rest every moment you get a chance, even if it's only a second.

Life is like that. When the going gets tough, the tough...relax. If only for a second. If only between breaths.

Here are some quick pick-me-ups.

Friend Scott on Facebook. His memes always make the day better. Ditto Roxy for her Death Wish Coffee posts and NaNo encouragements (ve haff vays uff make-ink you vrite!). Ditto Jodi for her exchanges with Selena and Sexy Thumbs.

Imgur memes. You can make your own, but then you get out of the range of "quick". Lol.

Webcomics give me a quick pickup MWF. Mine are User Friendly, Free Fall, SinFest and XKCD with an occasional dip into Cyanide and Happiness. I also follow Zits and Pearls Before Swine's Stephan Pastis on Facebook.

TV Tropes provides a bit of writerly fun.

On Facebook, George Takei and Robert Downey Jr.

Hubby and I often wind down the evening with a short humorous show on NetFlix. Favorites are Archer, Frasier, IT Crowd.

What about you? What do you do for a quick battery recharge (that won't short you out)?

Look for Masked Attraction in February, Biting Serendipity (April Fools In/For Love) in March and Heart Mates in April!

Heart Mates (Pull of the Moon, Book 1)

Witch plus wolf? They’re allergic. Except no one told their hearts.

Preorder now!


Shifters and witches? Forbidden on pain of death. Might as well stick a fork in a light socket. Yet those are the kind of sparks witch princess Sophia Blue feels when she meets wolf shifter Noah in her aunt’s bookstore.

But Sophia is stuck. Her aunt is missing and Noah, the last person to see her, is Sophia’s only hope. If not for that and her aunt’s new, cute little doggie, Sophia would run as far as she could from the sexy, hard-hewn alpha.

Noah’s stuck too. Before disappearing, the aunt hit him with a hex gone horribly wrong—he’s the doggie. By day he’s fifteen pounds of yippity-yip, and with five anti-alpha wolves nipping at his heels, that’s deadly dangerous. Only Sophia can help him, but she has lost her magic.

Then an evil mage from Sophia’s past shows up with murder on his mind, and all Noah’s instincts shout to protect the woman his misguided heart thinks is his mate.

Warning: Sinfully sexy alpha thrown together with a hot witch in a small town. Sass, sparkle, a meddling aunt, snafus, growling, fighting, and oh yeah, sex. Might want to get up to date on your shots.