Monday, March 24, 2014

Romance Authors, and the Book Conferences They Cause Trouble in.

Two of the ladies of Lust With a Laugh will be invading New Orleans for the RT Booklover's convention.

Jodi Redford and Roxy Mews will be running around the streets of the French Quarter getting into all kinds of mischief. Mary Hughes will be there is swag and in spirit. Perhaps we can visit a voodoo shop and draw her astral ass over there to play with us. ;p

Plans are in the works for what we will have for swag, and what events we will be attending. We are signed up for the Saints and Sinners Ball hosted by our publisher, Samhain Publishing.

Jodi and Roxy are hosting a table there on the sinners side. What? You really thought we would be anywhere near the saint end of things? *snerk*

Part of the beauty of being an author is the fact that we can play with our words until they do what we want them to.  We get multiple rounds of edits, and lots of chances to change things before we put them out into the world.

In person...we have to rely on a brain-to-mouth filter that is not always great, and sometimes affected by alcohol. 

So we are making preparations to have something fun at our table.  We are going through swag pile and websites, and trying to work through all of these things to give everyone the best impression of us.  And if that's not possible, we plan to ply you with alcohol.

Are you going to New Orleans this May?  Or are you hitting up another con? And what do you want to see as swag from your favorite authors? 

Discuss and let us know. We want to bring you the best experience we can. But really...can we go wrong in New Orleans?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

An Unclaimed Prize Could Be Yours!

Because we never heard from our $25 gift card winner....

Our NEW winner is...

****elaing8 (#139)****
elaing8, you should be getting an email from Roxy shortly.  Reply with your preferred retailer (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Samhain Publishing) and make sure to let us know what goodies you got!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Letting your inner smartass roam free...sometimes it gets you in trouble. name is Roxy Mews and I am a smartass.

*waits for gasps of shock to die down*

Here's the thing...not everyone appreciates this. Part of the reason I enjoy poking at people is my long career in the retail field. I have worked in retail from all levels. I was an entry-level employee, and I was a General Manager. I liked the entry-level a lot better.

I have worked with food, clothes, and pet supplies. People do not have a sense of humor when they go shopping.

If you have never worked in retail...appreciate those people who put back all the things you leave in the wrong aisle, and all the things your kids turn into new building projects. If you have worked in retail, you feel my pain at being part of this environment for eighteen years.

So after the thirtieth person in a day tells me that they just made the hundred dollar bill that I am required to check with a counterfeit pen, I have to admit, I get a little bored.

So here are alternative sayings to use when shopping. :D

Common: "No thanks, I'm just looking."
FUN: "I hid my leprechaun's gold somewhere in the socks, but I can't remember where. If you help me find it, I'll share my lucky charms!"

Common: "There's no price? It must be free!" (*sigh*)
FUN: "I know there's no tag on this one. It's been cursed by a witch. You just need to light a gold candle and dance naked around it for the barcode to appear. Do you want to start, or should I?"

Common: "No, I don't want a rewards card, nothing I buy is ever on sale."
FUN: "Sales are for the weak. I am an ancient being who feeds on items that are full price."

Now fun things for the retail workers to say. 

Common: "Can I help you find anything?"
FUN: "I know you! Your my Aunt Enda's, daughter's, niece's, step-nephew's doctor's patient, right?  How can I help you?"

Common: "I'm fine, and you?"
FUN: "Livin' the dream, don't wake me or I'll scream. Not really. I have a phobia of coupons, and this is exposure therapy. But how's your day?"

Common: "Attention shoppers, our store closes in just fifteen minutes. Please make your final selections."
FUN:  "The aliens are attacking! Drop the dog food and gather whatever you can find for weapons! Aliens are terrified of squeakers and catnip. Arm yourselves!"

Like I said...I may have gotten into a bit of trouble from time to time. I may or may not have clipped dog leashes to my fellow employee's belt loops and had him pull me around the store yelling "MUSH!" And no one can prove who really tossed the tennis balls into the rafters.

Now as a responsible adult *looks to the sky to avoid lightning strikes* I need an outlet for my snark. I found that in writing. My characters tend to get naked and do it with an attitude. Check out the first voice in my head that shouted loud enough that readers got to hear her.

Amber's book is below. You know you want to click her. Go ahead. She likes it.

Love's a Witch: Hart Clan Hybrids Book 2 will be out mid-2014 through Samhain Publishing. Keep an eye on this blog and Samhain Publishing's Coming Soon page for the latest updates.

What do you do at your job that keeps you sane? Have you played any office pranks that have lived on in infamy? Will you now wonder what your cashier is really thinking?

 Discuss below. Puns welcome. Snark honored.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Jodi's 13 Factoids List

Hello, my lovlies! Now I know some of y’all already know me from various hangouts on the interwebs, but for those who don’t, I figured this was the perfect opportunity to introduce myself—via interpretive dance and sock puppets!!! Okay, okay, not really. But, damn, that would have been EPIC. *note to self—buy sock puppets and a gold lamé leotard bodysuit* Instead, I’ve come up with a list of mostly true factoids about yours truly.
1)    I’ve never arm-wrestled a bear. But I suspect he/she would win. Hence why I’m putting it off.
2)    I’d rather date a werewolf than a vampire. But I’d dump the werewolf for a dragon in a heartbeat.
3)    Pufferfish and goats are my spirit animals.
4)    In my mind, I’m 3 inches taller. And a unicorn. Who’s a ninja. And master yodeler. Not to be confused with Master Yoda.
5)    I’m not Master Yoda.
6)    I’m known to sneak Star Wars references in everywhere I can.
7)    My superpower is turning even the most innocent statement into something dirty.
8)    If I ever get invited to a wild game dinner I’m asking random strangers if they’ve eaten beaver.
9)    I’ve knocked my partner unconscious while playing Wii Dance Party.
10)    No one wants to be my partner in Wii Dance Party.
11)    I’m a highly skilled air guitarist.
12)    My Native American name is Runs From Zombies.
13)    My favorite food groups are bacon, chocolate, donuts, and Smirnoff.

But enough about me. It’s your turn. Tell us a little something about yourself in the comments section. In the meantime, I’ve got a bear to go wrestle. *cracks my knuckles*

Me with Gus from Vanessa Unveiled--AKA my alter ego


Drumroll please......

The winners of our Lust With a Laugh Launch Day Giveaway are...

$25 Gift Card = Bobbie Jo (#273)
$10 Gift Card = Shadow (#52)
$10 Gift Card = Iris (#176)

Congrats to all our winners.  We will contact the winners through the emails provided through Rafflecopter.  If we do not hear back from the winners within 48 hours of contacting them we will pick new winners.  So check your emails ladies!

Thank you so much for visiting our blog.  We hope you will keep visiting us in the future, and we hope we can give you a laugh to brighten your day.

~Mary, Jodi, and Roxy

Monday, March 3, 2014

How hot? *plus* Kindle giveaway

I have a confession to make. Though Biting Nixie and Bite My Fire are red-hot paranormal romances with lots of explicit action, Downbeat is a bit different.


My sex scenes are directly tied to the main characters. Nixie in Biting Nixie is a smart-mouthed punk rock musician, a hundred pound spit-fire. Elena in Bite My Fire is five-nine of long lean cop looking to get laid. Explicit is the word of the day for them.

Raquel "Rocky" Hrbek is a hundred ten pounds of hot--and doesn't know it. She's shy and undeveloped.

Until seduction master Dragan Zajicek gets hold of her. She learns lots and learns quickly and half the fun is seeing her get there.

But the explicit words Nixie and Elena might use would sound weird coming from Rocky. So I have to admit Downbeat isn't hot explicit action.

It's filled with hot, fun action. Enjoy!


Striking the right note could shatter more than their hearts.

Biting Love, Book 7
After an attack that slaughtered his family, vampire Dragan Zajicek walled off his heart and went on a sixteen-hundred-year rampage with the bad boys of history.

Now a rock star of the concert podium and master freelance spy, he’s taken the baton for a small orchestra near Chicago to investigate rumors of a monstrous, undefeatable vampire dubbed the Soul Stealer.

But it’s the lovely, unassuming Raquel “Rocky” Hrbek who mesmerizes him from the first touch of her luscious lips on her flute.

Rocky, a shy shadow scarred by middle school cruelty, is mystified as to why core-meltingly gorgeous Dragan would notice a mouse like her. As his stolen kisses draw her dangerously close to the edge of her carefully constructed comfort zone, he exposes her secret—she’s investigating the monster herself.

As their quest draws them closer together, the monster zeroes in on the woman Dragan’s rebellious heart tells him is his mate. Now they must find a way to destroy the indestructible before Rocky is utterly consumed. And Chicago is bathed in the blood of innocents.

Warning: Contains a master of seduction and symphonies, an awkward and innocent flutist, small-town humor, heart-stopping action, and an exodus to Iowa. Oh, and the cheese balls are ba-a-ack—and deadlier than ever.

Downbeat release tour! Join me on my release tour. Enter Rafflecopter for a chance at a Kindle or Nook *up to $250*

Saturday, March 1, 2014

GIVEAWAY!! Welcome to Lust With A Laugh.


Roxy Mews, Mary Hughes, and Jodi Redford all want to say thanks for stopping by.  We all write with humor in our stories, and probably couldn't hold in our snark if we tried.

Lust With A Laugh is a place where three authors and their friends get to hang out and have fun.  We hope you'll enjoy laughing with us!

Check back for new content each week.

We might not be the loudest ladies in the room in person, but our characters go for the jugular. 

Let us show you around. :D

*flight attendant voice* 

To your right you will see the latest release from each of our authors in all their badass cover glory.

Below that, you can find an easy list of our books under "Books To Lust After"

Now look up!

You will find tabs for each author with bio info and an easy link to all our individual posts.

There is a guest author tab that will be filling up with goodies soon.

There is also a tab for giveaways our three authors are taking part in.

The freebies spot is where we will put up funny freebies from us, or other authors who make us chuckle.

All for your clicking pleasure.

*back to normal now*

So take a look around, stay awhile.  Comment below, and tell us who you read that makes you laugh.

And don't forget to play with our beautiful Rafflecopter widget below.  Go ahead...touch it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway